[MOD POST] Changes are coming

Nah, theres lots of info on 'impossible jumps' and how to do them.

You just need to dig a little more.

And there isn't as many reports of such as that is an ability we all fundamentally have but we have forgotten. Because the rules and constraints of this reality have been deeply engrained in us such things like lucid dreaming are easy to do, but due to our deeply engrained physicalist beliefs a permanent jump to another world outside of the boundaries of dreaming and sleep seems to be out of reach, when it quite isn't from a subjective idealist point of view.

Many people, including me, have yet to break all walls of reality and see it for what it truly is sans the beliefs, concepts, etc. Only very few have done this and understandably so. It is a large undertaking of detachment that takes a long time for a lot of people. Saying this is rather misleading seeing as we decide what's difficult and what isn't as creators, but that goes back to the idea that this reality has been so solidified for most people it's difficult to change it on a grand scale.

My advice to you is to drop all your beliefs. Right now. And start looking inwards for the answers. Take guiding pieces of info as you will, but trust your own intuition and never blindly believe everything you hear or read at face value. we all may come to different conclusions. But many a person has said that they have had huge paradigm shifts once doing this. So why not be the next to try it out? Besides a fear of having a worldview shattered there's nothing else huge to worry about other than awakening.

Try your best not to immediately dismiss others claims, as you never know their real truth or not. By that same token, don't blindly believe it either. :D

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