Monster Hunter World - Crowns Tips

Part 1: What Crowns are required for Giant Crown Master and Miniature Crown Master trophies?

  • Giant Crown Master requires 28 Crowns [1 from each Monster] and Miniature Crown Master requires 28 Crowns [1 from each Monster] = 56 Crowns
  • There are 28 Monsters which will contribute to both trophies. A table is provided below:
Monster Miniature Crown [Event Quests/Arena Challenges and % Chance] Giant Crown [Event Quests/Arena Challenges and % Chance]
Jagras USJ Gold Star 100% USJ Gold Star 100%
Kulu Ya-Ku Wildspire Bolero 12% Egg Lovers United 100%
Pukei Pukei Deep Green Blues 12% Deep Green Blues 12%
Barroth Wildspire Bolero 12% Down the Dark M P 100%
Jyuratodus Wildspire Bolero 12% Wildspire Bolero 12%
Tobi Kadachi Deep Green Blues 12% Deep Green Blues 12%
Anjanath Deep Green Blues 12% The Proving 100%
Rathian Wildspire Bolero 12% Wildspire Bolero 12%
Tzizi Ya-Ku Coral Waltz 12% Coral Waltz 12%
Paolumu Coral Waltz 12% Coral Waltz 12%
Great Girros Effluvial Opera 12% Effluvial Opera 12%
Radobaan Effluvial Opera 12% Effluvial Opera 12%
Legiana Coral Waltz Coral Waltz
Odogaron A Rush of Blood 100% Effluvial Opera 12%
Rathalos Deep Green Blues 12% Deep Green Blues 12%
Diablos Wildspire Bolero 12% Wildspire Bolero 12%
Dodogama Rock n Roll Recess 12% USJ Azure Stars 100%
Pink Rathian Coral Waltz 12% Coral Waltz 12%
Bazelgeuse Coral Waltz 12% Effluvial Opera 12%
Uragaan Rock n Roll Recess 12% Rock n Roll Recess 12%
Azure Rathalos USJ Azure Stars 100% Rock n Roll Recess 12%
Lavasioth Rock n Roll Recess 12% The Name's Lavasioth 100%
Black Diablos more details to follow more details to follow
Teostra more details to follow Blazing Sun 100%
Nergigante more details to follow more details to follow
Kushala Daora more details to follow more details to follow
Vaal Hazak more details to follow more details to follow
Kirin more details to follow more details to follow
  • Zorah Magdaros, Xeno Jiva, Deviljho and Lunastra Crowns are not required for the trophies
  • Based on the table above, 45 Crowns can be obtained via their specific Event Quests and/or Arena Challenges. The % Chances of Success range are either 12% or 100%
  • For the remaining 11 Crowns [Black Diablos and Elder Dragons], a separate post will follow as each one requires a detailed description for hunting efficiency
  • Disclaimer - All above data was collated from various internet sources. I did not create them. I am still new to Reddit and am playing around with best ways to post tables, pictures and text
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