TRAs (QT and transmed): What is the evolutionary purpose of gender identity?

But do you think there is some sort of spectrum and femme lesbians are less neurologically like men than butch women, like they are in between butch and het women?

I suspect that the sexually dimorphic part(s) of the brain responsible for sexual orientation are somewhat distinct from the parts associated with gender non/conformity, but that prenatal hormones shift these in the masculine or feminine direction. If one of these traits is shifted one way, it’s likely that others are as well, but it’s not 100%. That would explain why gay kids are often GNC and GNC kids often end up being LGB, but occasionally you get very gender conforming gay people and very GNC straight people

Iirc there was a series of studies done in the 80s that noted no relationship between the hormones one was exposed to and a lesbians level of GNC.

Was it prenatal hormones and level of GNC or was it degree of homosexuality and level of GNC? Let me know if you have a link

We know from animal studies that prenatal exposure to hormones influences behavior

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