[Monthly Challenge #2 - Jan, 2016] - Procedural Castle

Writeup Part 1.

A Procedural Castle in F#



My goals here were to implement, using F# and OpenTK, a procedural castle village generator. The code should be as clean as you should expect from a month-long programming challenge and should be simple, elegant, and powerful.

  • F# - Ever wanted an indentation-based (like Python), object-oriented .NET (like C#) language with strong functional (like Haskell) roots?
  • OpenTK - This is the go-to library for working with OpenGL on .NET. In addition to providing nearly 1-to-1 OpenGL bindings, it also provides convenience functions for creating a window and setting up the context, as well as Matrix and Vector classes.
  • Blender - Even though I wanted to write a minimally useful in-engine renderer, there was going to be one feature (ambient occlusion and shadows) that I wasn't going to try to tackle, so I used Blender for a nicer render.

Example Generator: Trees

9 small trees on a grid http://i.imgur.com/6HNMMqI.png

The following code shows the definition of a Tree, and the code used to generate a random tree, and convert it a series of polygons for rendering.

The body of the generate function is three lines: 1 to create a Leaf node, 1 to create a random point pos, and 1 and create a Branch ending on pos, recursively containing between 2 and 5 sub-branches.

The body of the _toPolygon function is only slightly more involved. This says that each Leaf node is drawn as two different dark-green Blocks, offset by 0.3 along each axis. This is just enough detail to appear slightly busy, presenting the illusion of leaves from far away. The Branch part is slightly more involved. I have to calculate the rotation+scale matrix c based on the endpoint of the current branch, and recursively apply it to all child nodes. After the recursive step, I have a list of child nodes, comprising of a combination of rectangular Block objects and Offset matrices representing a nested transformation. Both Blocks and Offsets are primitive types that my rendering function recognizes and can convert to a triangle array for rasterization.

type Tree =
    | Leaf of Vector3
    | Branch of Vector3 * float32 * Tree list

let rec generate = function
    | 0 -> Leaf(Vector3.One)
    | n -> let pos = 0.6f * Vector3.Normalize (r.NextV3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.2f, 0.6f, -0.5f, 0.5f))
           Branch(pos, 0.03f * float32 n, [for i in 0..r.Next(2, 6) -> generate (n-1)])

let rec private _toPolygon (mat:Matrix4) = function
    | Leaf(dim) ->
        [ Offset(mat, [Block(Color4.DarkGreen, Vector3.Zero, Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f))
                       Block(Color4.DarkGreen.Mult(0.5), Vector3.One * 0.3f, Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f))])]
    | Branch(vec, width, children) ->
        let b = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.UnitY, vec)
        let rot = Matrix4.CreateFromAxisAngle(b, Vector3.CalculateAngle(Vector3.UnitY, vec))
        let c = if b.Length > 0.001f then rot * Matrix4.CreateScale (vec.Length) else Matrix4.Identity
        let cc = List.collect (_toPolygon (Matrix4.CreateTranslation Vector3.UnitY)) children
        [ Offset(c * mat, Block(Color4.Bisque.Mult(0.2), Vector3.Zero,  Vector3(width, 1.0f, width)) :: cc)]

let toPolygon t = match _toPolygon Matrix4.Identity t with | [ Offset(c, f) ] -> f | n -> n
One larger tree with a larger recursion depth http://imgur.com/hl5efc7
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