The most frustrating thing in the world of apex. Gotta fix these surveys. Someone in the squat gets kicked 3 out of five games

That’s literally the reason I stopped playing ranked, I keep getting cheated out of points games and time because someone disconnects and we have to spend the whole time camping with our fingers crossed that the third teammate comes back, and he never joins back.. Quit and start a new game? Nope apex wants you to fully Waste 20 minutes just to get obliterated in a 2v3 for you to finally get match forgiveness and that’s IF THEY DONT CHEAT YOU OUT OF YOUR POINTS ANYWAYS.

Say that teammate joins back half way thru the game, then bam you get insta smacked while he’s looking for a weapon, you still get charged full points even though you had to survive 2 rounds with only one teammate.

To me it’s just way too many issues for me to consider playing ranked. I can’t even believe they’d let people waste their time on it without fixing all the problems with it

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