my bald spot keeps exapndingg idk what to do +i just started taking steroid injections

Maybe in a few months you could tell me how it goes? I'm interstead in trying just about anything to get thicker hair if that's even a possibility for me. I wish you all the best with this process & i will recommand a natropath because it saved me from going completely bald. If i could find one now I'd go to them again! But because it hasn't happened again i haven't seen the point in looking into it all again, but now that I'm thinking about it all i think I'll try to see if there's one near me.

I guess at the end of the day our lives could be so much worse! I remember this one time i was feeling self conscious about my feet & i was standing in a line & i looked infront of me & I seen a person who had no feet & i thought wow, I'm here stressing out over the size of my feet & this person infront me doesn't even have any how ungreatful of me. I guess that's how we have to look at our lives. We have to focus on what it is we have instead of focusing on what we don't have because we can't always have everything we want.

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