My experience becoming a RSO

Continued: I felt like I cheated. I remember the first night I came home, my body language was off, my face flushed, I couldn't hold eye contact, I could tell she knew I knew she knew. It was horrible. I was horrible. So I pay the rent and give this woman money before leaving back to the mountains to make more hash oil, and while I'm up there, I get a call about 8 am from the woman I lived with that the police were there and looking for me. I was involved in the hash and selling, so it took my brain a minute to put 2 and 2 together.

So she doesn't know where I am exactly and I am about 6 hours from home where they went. So I wake my friend up and spill the beans. I said I fucked up.. this happened, they are coming for me. Do you want me to leave?? He says, "No stay here bro, your safe here. We are hidden. It's the fucking forest they aren't gonna find you here." So I try to relax and his wife and his mother knows I'm frantic but we don't tell them exactly why. So I do what I do best and drink a bunch of beer, tequila, and smoke dab (has) hits till my nerves shut off.

Now I feel better. It's all gonna be okay. I'm gonna take a nap and figure this out. I wake up to my friends dog barking. I'm in the basement and walk up the outdoor entrance stairs and see around 8 cops surrounding the place. I duck fast and ninja step down the stairs and my brain says, "Yeeeeeeeeer fucked. Put your shoes on now and go meet them". So I walk out calm and they ask my name, I say "Yes that's me" they sit me down and begin questioning me. I ramble some deflective bs about hacking and internet and who knows what's going on, and basically act like I have no idea wtf they are talking about.

So they are looking at the 400+ plants, and now the garage with the fucking fume fan still turned on because half a gallon of "terp sauce" is reducing on the hot water table. Shit hits the fan. My friend finally shows up randomly with pizzas (I was still waking up hung over processing everything) and they arrest him, his family, and have cps take his kids. They almost shot his pitbull. Then they toss my friend and I in the car and leave us for a bit.

He wants to know what's gonna happen, because I've had prior experience with a processing cannabis charge in the past and I told him to stop talking because the car is recording us and that I had no answer for him. I told him.. this was bad. So we get to the jail and are split up. He goes Main Line, I'm tossed in with PC. In the holding cell were some but jobs and the floor was flooded from the toilet overflowing. Trash and piss/shit everywhere and we all perched on the bench. Slept on the bench. I needed alcohol. I needed cigs. I needed to gtfo now.

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