The first time i hung up on a guest

I have this guest that calls all the time, I work in consumables usually in dry but on occasion p-fresh and this guy always calls about eggo pancakes NOT WAFFLES he's very strict about that and we usually have the regular eggo pancakes but we don't have the blueberry ones (I only recently learned after about 6 calls that we don't carry the blueberry ones) But I tell him we don't have the blueberry ones, this is a day before I find out we just don't sell them anymore and he goes on a rant like complete freakout mode about how us not having blueberry pancakes is Biden, Harris and Murphy's (current governor of NJ) fault and they are ruining the country and I was like uh what? And then he began to lecture me on how if I'm a legal voting age to vote them out and I was like "Oh I'll be sure to vote for them happily a second time just like the last time" and hung up lol. I'm not listening to a rant. We don't get paid enough for that stuff lol

/r/Target Thread