Is my gf made for BBC or BWC ? Ass or mouth ?

Hello! Please stop LARPing as a latin-american and spreading misinformation.

Almost no-one south of the USA border refers to themselves as Latinx, most latin-americans hate the term; and furthermore, it's impossible to read aloud (both in English and in Spanish). Isn't it ironic, to try to refer to the latin-derived language speakers of the Americas by a word that can't be pronounced in their native languages?

While gender neutrality is arguably desirable in today's society; all romance languages have lost the gender neutral declination '-um' that was once available in old latin, and Spanish is no exception. There are, however, some nouns that are neutral in their nature, and can immutably be used with both gendered pronouns: "docente", "presidente", "vidente".

Reintroducing gender neutrality is something that should not be taken lightly, and Spanish, like Italian, has very clear and consistent set of pronunciation rules; that means words are always read exactly as they are written, and vice-versa. This is contrary to what happens in English or French, for example, where characters can have different sounds depending on which word they are being used in.

So please, stop doing the world and the whole latin-american community a disservice, and if you are gonna advocate for gender neutrality; please opt for "latine", which is both readable aloud in English and Spanish, consistent with Spanish pronunciation rules, and coherent with the gender-neutral nouns already available.

Otherwise, most latin-americans south of the USA are alright with being called "latino"/"latina"/"latinoamericano"/"latinoamericana". We generally dislike the way USA addresses their concepts of ethnicity and gender anyway. Although I can't speak for all latin-americans. And neither should you.

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