People who act overly positive about identity politics are the worst

I like to call this performative alliance. It’s very disingenuous. I see it a lot especially online just this weird over the top support for anyone who’s non-binary or trans. I also see it towards people who are typically pretty shitty/annoying people but just because they are trans have a huge online following and a giant support system of literally anyone and everyone.

People just want to feel better about themselves by being extra positive about any minority but it doesn’t actually do anything beneficial and just makes them seem shady. I’m always very weary of people who are like way to invested in gender politics and social justice because the majority of people who make that their whole personality tend to be the worst people behind that facade. I have had people be absolute assholes to me and then they find out I’m Mexican and they suddenly wanna support me and be my best friend like I’m good you two-faced bitch.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread