My week in review

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Optionally, this bot can add a flair for you. Read the following table and reply to my message with one of the numbers in the first column (or choose your flair manually if you prefer).

Number Flair Usage
1 Anime Plot discussion, news, trailers, screenshots, episode clips and other relevant topics. Use NA Fluff for user-generated content and r/madokamagica for the PMMM anime or other spin-offs.
2 NA Game [NA server only] News, trailers, gameplay discussion and strategy, guides, app configuration, in-game errors, maintenances, transformation scenes, non-plot related extracted CGs or clips.
3 NA Story [NA server only] Magia Report, story discussion and speculation, plot-related CGs or clips.
4 NA Fluff [NA server and anime-related only] User-generated content such as: fanart, comics, cosplay, handicrafts, video edits, memes, miscellaneous discussion or requests related to Magia Record, etc. Source or OC tag is required for media posts!
5 JP Game [JP server only] News, gameplay discussion and strategy, guides, app configuration, in-game errors, maintenances, transformation scenes, non-plot related extracted CGs or clips.
6 JP Story [JP server only] Magia Report, story discussion and speculation, plot-related CGs or clips, translations (no translation requests) of the story and Magirepo.
7 JP Fluff [JP server only] User-generated content such as: fanart, comics, cosplay, handicrafts, video edits, memes, miscellaneous discussion or requests related to Magia Record, etc. Source or OC tag is required for media posts!
8 Official Misc Anything related to other licensed Magia Record content such as the manga adaptations (and their translations), Magireco CN, merchandise, stage plays, etc.

#Important notes

/r/magiarecord Thread Link -