The Mysterious Stranger is Down!

Firstly, Jewish prosecution did not start with them violently assaulting them, it started with suppression and demonization. Even when Hitler came into power in 1933 he had to be careful about his rhetoric. What he did was slowly scapegoat and propagate Jewish lies and suppress their speech. Hitler formed the SA and SS to at first incognito harass the Jews as an attack so auspicious would cause a backlash. So over years the Nazis conditioner the German populace to the idea that Jews were less than human and the source of their problems (stab-in-the-back, protocols of the elders of Zion, and the Jewish/Bolshevik conspiracy)

What She was saying was precisely what occurred: a slow a systematic suppression of certain groups eventually culminating in what we know of as the Holocaust. Do I believe this is the case today? No, at least not yet. But let’s say tomorrow Biden adopts Anti-Fa as a new “peacekeeping” force and spreads them around America keeping people in check. At that point the possibilities are there.

Believing the Capitol Hill riot was in any regard similar to the Beer Hall Putsch is complete idiocy. The Putsch was a planned and executed coup attempt by Adolf Hitler and the DAP. Could you please show me where Trump, or anyone stated he wanted a coup to take power for himself? 99.99% of the people there had no further ambitions outside of following the mob and seeing where it ended. It was no coup, as a coup needs a leader pushing for a coup, Trump would’ve been on the frontlines or on TV calling for an uprising across America. Instead he said go home peacefully, quite the coup...

Lastly, you could not find a single person back in 1933 who could have predicted the Holocaust. Even today people wrongly believe it didn’t exist due to its extremity. Just as most Germans and even Jews didn’t believe the level of extremity they eventually faced was possible. Just think about the capitol riots, how many people predicted the possibility of such an occurrence? No one.

Both sides have radical elements that must be spoken about, not silenced. The German government attempted to silence Hitler, and instead he masterfully used such actions as further fuel to his ideological flame. Instead of banning someone, talk to them and actually listen.

Sorry that this is so long, I’m studied Nazism, Hitler, and WWII in school for years so I like exploring it with others

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