New to this game, and I suck, where to go for help?

I would suggest working on your map awareness, humbling yourself and realizing that by starting this game, you are already at a massive disadvantage. I'm in the same boat - I just started playing BO3 (my first COD game) a few months ago, and most of the people I will be up against have played multiple COD games and have more experience in BO3 than me. I had to drastically lower my self expectations and understand that I am not going to be in a position to come out on top in the majority of games. Funny enough, after playing for a few months I surprised myself by exceeding my expectations and it felt great. Once I figured out which class setups and weapons I liked and which were appropriate for certain maps, as well as the common routes on these maps, some games I'll get 20+ kills with a good KD. I started out being bewildered as to how people actually got score streaks, but now it isn't too hard to get them if I play more defensive and avoid running into risky areas. I use all the lowest score streaks, (UAV, HC XD, Care Package) 8 sensitivity, and typically either an AR like the Man o War with rapidfire or an SMG. On certain maps, I find using overkill to equip a long range AR and a fast firing SMG as a secondary can be extremely helpful. The SMGs in this game area great for close quarters, but you can also pick someone off from the other side of the map with a good AR. Having said that, good weapons and class setups will not make you better if you don't have the knowledge and skill required to back it up. Some games I can still go 2-18, as if I just started the game yesterday. By nature, I'm not a very good player, but I can play good if I really try my hardest and use everything I've learned to do well. Every now and then you'll be matched up against a party of master prestigers, or players using extremely cheap tactics, and you have to be able to accept it. Give yourself some slack, humble yourself, try to be smart and in a few months I bet you'll be surprising yourself too.

/r/blackops3 Thread