num_players = 10 num_games = 82 num_shots = 15 num_sims = 50000 prob = .5
results = list() for(i in 1:num_sims){
#create separate matrices for each player
player_matrices = list()
for(j in 1:num_players){
#create rows for each game in season, column for each shot in game, additional columns
#to tally whether 10 in a row were hit, 10 in a row missed
player_matrices[[j]] = matrix(rbinom((num_games*(num_shots+2)),1,prob), num_games, num_shots+2)
#clear last two columns
for(a in 1:num_games){
#update second to last column to indicate (yes=1, no=0) whether 10 shots in a row were hit
#update last column to indicate (yes=1, no=0) whether 10 shots in a row were missed
for(k in 1:num_games){
for(l in 1:(num_shots-9)){
player_matrices[[j]][k,num_shots+1] = ifelse(sum(player_matrices[[j]][k,l:(l+9)])==10, 1, player_matrices[[j]][k,num_shots+1])
player_matrices[[j]][k,num_shots+2] = ifelse(sum(player_matrices[[j]][k,l:(l+9)])==0, 1, player_matrices[[j]][k,num_shots+2])
#store each matrix-season in results
results[[i]] = player_matrices
occurences_q1 = 0 answer_q1 = 0 for(i in 1:num_sims){
counter = 0
for (j in 1:num_players){
counter = counter + results[[i]][[j]][1,num_shots+1]
occurences_q1 = ifelse(counter>0,(occurences_q1+1),occurences_q1)
answer_q1 = occurences_q1/(num_sims) answer_q1
[1] 0.03294
occurences_q2 = 0 answer_q2 = c(seq(1,num_sims)) for(i in 1:num_sims){
counter = 0
for (j in 1:num_players){
counter = counter + sum(results[[i]][[j]][,num_shots+1])
counter = counter + sum(results[[i]][[j]][,num_shots+2])
occurences_q2 = ifelse(counter>0,(occurences_q2+1),occurences_q2)
} answer_q2 = occurences_q2/num_sims answer_q2
[1] 0.9965 ](#sp)