No matter what people say, I just love using her as a main DPS! No food buff needed <3 (No, she's not C6 sadly)

forces you to play your rotation for 21-22 seconds

This is irrelevant because the whole discussion is about using Yelan as a main DPS so you should and will always be using her skill on cooldown. Why is that so hard for you people to understand?

Written in Yelan Main’s official guide

Cool. I disagree with what is written there and you should too.

good for overworld too

The discussion was specifically about Yelan as a main DPS. This is irrelevant.

then go tell them they're ignorant, delusional and all the pretentious BS you spewed in this thread.

I never said anything remotely to close to any of that until people started insulting and getting angry at me. How about you go talk to them instead of getting butthurt because I said a Constellation you probably spent $200 on wasn’t quite as good as you thought it was?

But yes. I do disagree with what they have written about Yelan in the guide. If you’re using Yelan as your primary on-field unit there is no reason not to be using her skill on cooldown the vast majority of the time, which makes her C1 the least useful one for an on-field DPS.

Notice the part where I said “least useful” because no one else seemed to quite get that part.

pretentious BS

The other guy insulted me repeatedly, and then when I decided to no longer respond to him he came back 20 minutes after making his response and reported me through Reddit’s mental health reporting system because apparently he couldn’t handle not having the last word.

What kind of antics will you show me?

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