Nondirective meditation just before bed time

Okay, let's start from beginning.

I started meditation a month ago practising it consistent, and have done it sparingly before, practising inconsistently. After some weeks I more and more got into a state of clear headiness and alertness and did it in the evening and had difficulties falling to sleep, without realising it was the meditation causing it (rather I believed caffeine was the reason).

Now, even though I'm doing it in the morning, the effects still lasts to the night, and the effects accumulates for each session. My experience is very similar to this guy (although I just meditate and don't use any binaural beats):

"The only way I can describe it is that my mind is very awake and energized... but not in a hectic, unable to relax sense. Not Jittery, and not like you just drank coffee.... Just... very "Awake"."

Also sometimes, when I toss and turn, it's like I'm not aware of the "before-doing"-it-feeling, just aware of actually turning my body. My theory is that the "heightened-perception" from the meditation is still there, and keeping me from reaching deep sleep.

This is problematic, because, even tough I have positive effects from meditation, I just really need my sleep. Perhaps my brain isn't "calibrated" yet to operate at these higher levels and therefore cannot override the awareness with sleeping brainwaves?

What can I do? Should I stop meditating? Perhaps I need to wake up earlier and shorten my meditation sessions? If I only were able to get proper sleep, everything would be great...

The thing is, I have NOT meditated a long period of time, just one month! How can the effects be so strong it's messing with my sleep?! It takes about 2 days without meditation for my sleep to get back to normal after experimenting.

When I tell this to my family or friends, they look at me weirdly, and they're all saying that meditation couldn't be the cause for my bad sleep, and I wouldn't myself have thought so if it weren't for my experience...

Advice? Sorry for hacking your thread.

/r/nondirective Thread