Offer: Will write a Python script to backtest your trading strategy/idea

In the very small chance that I do find a spark with someone, obviously I have no way to prove that I won’t run with your idea and leave you out-so all you have is my word that I would work out an equitable arrangement in the event of algo-deployment.

the great majority of traders will rip off their own mothers to become successful in trading.

i would not show to you a losing trading algo, not if you engraved your nondisclosure onto your forehead using a jackhammer.

i do hope that i was gentle about that.

i am an engineer. I have been tricked before by traders that want to work out an equitable agreement, but all i got was a damm broomstick up my ass and they now have my software.

a nondisclosure agreement means absolutely squat to an engineer of software that is typically used in private. If i were to show to you my software, even if you sign a nondisclosure, and then you run off with it, how could i possibly know that you are using it? the idea of a nondiscloure for this type of situation is entire bullshit. anybody that falls for some crap arrangement like this is going to get fkd. period. 1000 times out of 1000 times. you will never win in this arrangement.

i am a programmer with 38 years of experience, i have 17 years of experience as a metatarded developer, and i have 30 years experience as a C language developer.

I would not give to you my zipcode, kind sir, much less my software.

i must say that it has been pleasant to meet with you.

maybe we can chat again sometime.


/r/Trading Thread