What would you like to remind everyone?

Social programs aren't put in to provide an 'easy' life to people. It's meant to provide assistance when needed, and mostly temporary assistance. Are there people that will abuse it? Of course. But I don't think it's fair to deny people help when they need it most, despite the risk of people taking advantage of the system. My parents are the classic American success story - immigrated with absolutely nothing, worked their way from the ground up, obtained PhDs, sent their own two kids to college, brought their own brothers and sisters over and ensured everyone became very successful, etc etc. But they most definitely would not have made it without assistance. Scholarships, food stamps, welfare, government housing, all of it acted as temporary aids as they battled their way up. I remember at one point we were so poor they couldn't buy me shoes when my old ones wore out in elementary school - and both of my parents worked several odd jobs. To imply that all people who need it are lazy or unlucky or undeserving - that's not true.

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