Was I the only one ?

To be honest I am kind of annoyed ! John gave us the best music possible during his time in the Red Hot (and what a gift!) But in contrast to a lot of people I loved Josh because he most closely resembles my style of playing guitar (and don't say it's easier it has nothing to do with it). Of course I'm super happy that John is coming back, of course, but somewhere I was hoping that both of them were together on stage with the boys. Fortunately, Josh is an accomplished musician and there are Dot Hacker, Pluralone and others to follow !

Recently, I watched Lollapalooza 2018 and once again, Josh blew my mind ... We'll miss that ! But for now, we're going to watch John kick a hole in the sky and open the galaxy again, which is nice.

/r/RedHotChiliPeppers Thread Link - i.redd.it