A step in the right direction for the future of games.

I don't get the game industry. There are easy ways to make a fuckton of money without screwing over your consumers. Make a decent game. Make decent DLC (i.e. expansions) and you get repeat customers every time you launch a game. Not only that if you release decent** content over the life of the game you have a steady stream of funds.

  • Overwatch is doing this with skins just like Team Fortress did with hats.

**Also look at CD Projek Red, They made one game and then basically released two separate games in the same game universe that added hundreds of hours of game play.

The current trend is release a fucking pushed to release game that is bare bones with day one patches and then is bled dry with micro-transactions. Why? Why the fuck is this even thought of as a good idea?

In the immortal words of Shigeru "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad"

/r/gaming Thread Link - i.redd.it