Opinions of new aatrox by a challenger player

I strongly disagree on ut thoughts on his mid-late game and ur opinions on his team fighting ability, to me he is one of the best team fighters i saw thus far, a couple times now i managed to pull of some insane 3v1-4v1 on the late game in cenarios were they enemy lacked good melee fighters, with the build i've been taking i can survive through almost anything provided i can keep landing my critical Q's, About the R, I agree with u in some degree, what i do disagree with is the following : i really like the option it gives me to start team fights without much concern for my life, as well as the safety it gives me to do some crazy as baits and dives, the additional AD is really good, as through healing it gets converted into HP making it somewhat in level with Renekton R. Also i must recognize that a couple of things on his kit do work kinda goofy, like how ur R does not give u the revive until the animation is complete, and it's a hell of a long animaton at that, on point n.4. HELL OF ANNOYING.

/r/AatroxMains Thread