The Oldtrox main feels more sad everyday.

I wasn't just a main. I was a one trick oldtrox. Whenever I hear stupid stat-check, strong 2 item power spike shit, it makes me cringe. Ya you played him after the mini-rework. Ya he was pretty strong after the mini rework, but it was guinsoos not oldtrox that was broken.

Just like it was Stridebreaker's/Ghost interaction with Darius that's broken. Darius without those is a horrible dog champ and he cant compete with these ranged and hyper mobile character but with ghost he becomes mobile af as well.

The one reason I can accept the rework was his old playrate. But then why not make a new champ? If you think he is oh so unhealthy for the game then make him weak? and mind you let me list some champs far more unhealthy for the game. Funny enough they changed a champ cuz he's unhealthy and then proceed to nerf/buff him for a straight year patch after patch lmfao more than the old one:

- Viego

- Katarina

- Akali

- Kayn

/r/AatroxMains Thread