This poster thinks people hate kpop because women or teenage girls like kpop

Teenage girl here, This is complete and utter bullshit imho, she's just another one of those toxic stans herself and is now try-harding hurr hurr sexism accusations at people because they can't stand their incredibly vile attitude on nearly every social media platform.

If some dumbass girl or guy posts a fucking fancam on a dead person's account, literally making a joke out of their death, NO, I'm sorry to say but we WON'T "GIVE THEM A BREAK" because muh sexism. Stop hiding behind buzzwords.

I've seen these very oppa preaching girls with their k pop pfps going around twitter advocating violence on monkeys (they call them "tree rats") and being incredibly racist towards white people, often celebrating their death via crime.

/r/WeHateKpop Thread Link -