My answer to "Why isn't Jpop famous like Kpop?"

Right, as if the YNA and Jakarta post are the epitome of reliability- as proven by their selective and racist reporting.

so now.. reportin about hallyu by koreans.. is "racist"... interesting..

I don’t give a shit about Korea or it being a democracy. But facts are facts. And I will take a Forbes or fortune anyway over the YNa or Korean herald or Jakarta post.

oh.. facts are facts but u dont care about korea being a democracy.. cus it's a fact Korea's a democracy with a free press..

but u choose to believe the lies.. cus that's all u know, amber. that's all u care about.

doesnt matter u're racist.. u make up ur own definition of racists. doesnt matter facts get in the way of ur narrative. johnny hit u , u didnt hit him. no matter what the police say, or that u had no medical records. u choose to believe ur lies.

and u hate that someone had the nerve to point out ur lies and take u away from ur safe space where facts get in the way..

/r/WeHateKpop Thread Parent