Question of the week: Free Will - WLC

I actually do, I work as a software developer, and I've played around quite a bit with fuzzy logic AI. I did simplify my explanation so not to get hung up in details though. I'm sorry if that gave the wrong impression.

Kinda hard to believe.

You have to remember that things like free will is pretty much religious theology

It's not.

It's all very subjective, and not something you can just pop in and say "oh, you got it wrong" as if it was a math question.

If you will say that trees have free will, i will definitely be right saying you got it wrong. Not being precisely defined doesn't mean you can use it as you wish. It doesn't work that way.

You brought up a situation where there is a grand total of 1 option that can happen, and used that as a case as to why machines can't make choices. I brought up a situation where there is a grand total of 1 option that can happen, and used that to show why humans can't make choices.

My point was that you can't zoom in on one tiny part and say that this demonstrates that the entire system cannot make choices, because the exact same is true for a human.

You kinda failed to understand the example. Failed badly.

There are tons of neurological pathways in your brain that when given certain stimulus, only does one thing, with no choice involved.

You seems to talk with certainty about things that wasn't settled. It's kinda frustrating.

But from my side, I feel that what you don't get is that I don't think this little "if statement" is to "make a choice". While the wording of a programming "if" certainly sounds like a human "choice", the similarity is merely due to choice of words.

Really? How exactly does program alters its behavior then? What are other options rather than conditional branching? The brilliant software developer like you should have no problem in explaining it.

You seem to be saying that if we translate "if" statement into the human realm, hu...

I wasn't saying anything like that at all.

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