[QUEUE] Upcoming Raffle Thread - October 08, 2018

Tissot PR100 Quarts (39mm)

Price: $90

# Of Spots: 30

Price Justification: $170 New+Shopping+-+Sale+Watches+$100+-+500&gclid=CjwKCAjwoHdBRBjEiwAiPPXpFQDCHlx6a5jBAI_U3R1ovhm0hgCYQ3d_c5kysEuhL0TUekffCFkhoCY5gQAvD_BwE)

Price Justification: $125 Reddit

Price Justification: $105 Reddit

Call Spots? Y

Spot Limit: None

Location: USA

Shipping: NO, CONUS ONLY (Can pay for international)

Timestamp/Pics https://imgur.com/gallery/4CUpiJN

Escrow: No

Description: Very good condition, light scratches on the bezel, battery and watch function properly.

/r/WatchURaffle Thread