I’m a boomer and I greet my co-workers upon entering the workplace. Gen Z folks don’t, why?

Dear boomer,

I believe we never passed the "blindly respect your elders" ideology down to the next generations. That blind respect didn't sit well with gen X or millennial. Gen x rolled their eyes and perfected sarcasm as their defense mechanism. Millennials learned to smile to your face and then to troll you on the internet. Gen z will not comprehend old age=respect. It never should have.

Gen z is being raised by angry tired generations that have 0 fucks to give about your boomer work atmosphere. NO ONE WANTS TO BE FRIENDS AT WORK. He doesn't want to make small talk. He wants to do his work with as minimal effort as possible and then bounce (that means leave.) Millennials watched their parents break their backs working hard and then lose everything in 2008. Companies that our parents put 20+ years into, shit them out without a second thought. Millennials asked for a little work life balance. Companies tried to make work more "fun". Giving us more fucking awards we didn't ask for, "here's an extra PTO day for not taking any time off!" Gen z has decided they will put the minimal amount effort required for a paycheck. Not a job well done. Not their best. They know their employer does not give a fuck about them. You will get them talking and happy if there is something they are passionate about but they are not wasting that energy at work.

Have you tried saying "hello" first? Or are you expecting this 21 year old to read your mind and just know you would prefer he say "hi" when he sees you. Have you tried leading by example? Be the change you want to see? My Gen z co-workers won't shut the fuck up so maybe, and I know this is a difficult concept for boomers, it's a YOU problem.

Sincerely, A Living the Dream Millennial

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