(rant) Stop bullying little kids just for playing the game

I'm not advocating for bullying little kids. But they definitely shouldn't be playing a VR shooter at that age. It's difficult to realise when you're young but the younger you are the more malleable your mind is. It's bad enough to feed that mind with tasks to do with killings people when it's on a flat screen but it's really quite dangerous IMO to allow a child to simulate shooting people in VR. Children tend to have difficulty seperating fantasy from reality and VR makes that even worse.

Speaking as someone who used to think "I'm mature enough" and is now a dad, I don't think you can assess the risks properly until you're responsible for a kid or are old enough to realise how immature they actually are. I'm sure that as a once in a while thing it's not too bad but, personally, I wouldn't want my kid playing a VR shooter regularly untill he was 13-15.

/r/PavlovGame Thread Parent