Recruitment Thread: Post here for a new club or members!

Club name: CRAIC DAMES

meeting time: 2pm pst, 5pm est, 9pm gmt

playing style: mixed social, competitive

Looking for 2-3 active players. We are a friendly ground based in Ireland, US and Canada. We left an old group due to inactive president and other players so our stats reset, but we consistently reach ace or sherlock. Every other league mandatory, but on off weeks most players still compete!

We are mostly competitive but definitely understand that life comes first so if you can't always participate we understand! Coffee time is at 5pm eastern and we do have a Bush rotation. We are a friendly and social group!

We do use telegram as an alternative chat platform for strategy. You are not required to join. It's just easier than game chat. We do post updates in game chat as well

/r/JunesJourney Thread