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“Researcher” coming on a forum for autistic people asking for their parents’ perspective while repeated using person first language. No wonder autism research is so problematic

“Researcher” coming on a forum for autistic people asking for their parents’ perspective while repeated using person first language. No wonder autism research is so problematic

For those who wanted to read it...

[I've removed the email address and other details so as not to act as an advertiser/or to endorse the research]


Hi all!
I am a post-graduate student at [redacted] University who is currently undertaking my dissertation research project for my Masters in Education.
I am exploring the perspectives of parents to children with Autism who have experienced online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK and will be exploring how accessibility and support in both mainstream and SEN schools have been impacted.
This study has been approved by the [redacted] Research Ethics Committee from 09/05/2022 – 06/09/2022.
A semi-structured, online interview via Zoom or Skype will be conducted which will take approximately 45 minutes. The interview will be audiotaped using an audio recorder, given your consent. If you consent to participate, we will schedule a day and time that is suitable for you to do the interview. You will also be sent a copy of the interview questions prior for easy preparation.
All information gathered in this study will be strictly anonymised and confidential, which all will be stored safely in a password-protected computer/data base.
I am currently looking for 1 more participant: If you are a parent to a child with autism who is attending SEN school with experience in online learning during COVID-19 in the UK and are interested in participating in this study, please email me at [redacted]
A participant information sheet providing all the details of the study, as well as a consent form, will be forwarded to you to read and sign before scheduling and attending for an interview.
If you have any further questions or concerns about this research, please contact me via email [redacted].

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