In Response to Revoked Approval for Remote Learning

UNPOPULAR OPINION WARNING [downvote if you must]

Seems a bit hypocritical on both sides. RPI did a good job keeping cases low in the fall, and it is hardly of any thanks the student body that blatantly ignored many protocols such as parties in residence halls. While I personally don't care what people do, I think that RPI opening its campus in the spring is good, and what many have asked for so to be suddenly against it is pretty hypocritical as well. Also to the people that have 'reasons' they cannot come back to school, I personally know a lot of people that are just going remote just because it is 'easier' that knock the legitimate reasons for requesting remote learning so I believe for the integrity (even if there isn't much) of the university it is of best interest to have in person learning.

"If Rensselaer administrators are willing to risk the lives of students and other campus personnel by refusing students the opportunity to continue their studies from afar, why do they stand against safe in-person gatherings? Why do they stand against allowing Greek Houses to operate in any capacity?"

Seems like an embarrassing argument, trying to claim that after all RPI has done in the fall to keep us safe that they don't care about us when they clearly do. Also RPI knows that by allowing these 'safe in-person gatherings', only the worst will come of it. Student athletes could barely play by the rules and you expect organizations known for partying to keep the health and safety of each student in mind. Seems pretty optimistic.


Everyone is against RPI no matter what they do. I'm just trying to call out the BS from both sides.

/r/RPI Thread