It’s you vs an army

Except, you are the one witch hunting and misquoting a real Ti based off of one personal message? Where is your proof? Am I the biggest stalking talking point you could find? You have no personal OFFLINE stalking experiences, except sitting by a PUBLIC stop light filming cars pass? Really? As I told Kyle, I didn’t realize I was PM’g an actual intellectually stunted info agent then again agents are known for having walnut brains. Again, I will say and anyone who has an 1/8 of comprehension skills can read how you are misquoting me…I said Real GS on YouTube “shows” some of the best. Did not say he “was” the best, and if the convo went a little further instead of you, a walnut brain, thinking you “caught” the bad guy. I would have told you his videos are highly edited, and he even “loses” his adult stutter in many videos aka forgets he has a major stuttering condition miraculously is cured of the stutter even in his last video. I could go on and on. But, keep the witch hunt going. You are a little disinfo b*tch grown man who screenshots comments just like a little girl.

/r/TargetedSolutions Thread Parent