Sean and BB, WIP.

This wasn't photoshopped. I don't own a program that can do that. This drawing is going at a dreadfully slow pace due to how hard it is and the lack of time I've had for the past two weeks. I'm using a photo I found online to look at while drawing this. As you can see, I'm working in layers and I've got most of the drawing done except for Big Boss. I wish I had gone with all brown hair on Sean, but I started this drawing late last December during Nostalgia Week and didn't know the green hair was only temporary. I actually prefer natural hair color, but I wanted to keep up with the real Sean, so green hair and I can't fix it without ruining the drawing. I'll post this again when it's finished, but I wanted to show this off and to show those people who insisted that my work is photoshopped, stolen or called me a liar that I really do have the skills to draw as good as I do. I have a harder time drawing people than I do with animals, but I suspect that will improve in time as I gain more practice. I'm not super into doing fan arts, but this photo was such a sweet picture I thought I'd try it. It's been extra challenging for me, but worth it. Looking forward to seeing how my finished drawing will look.

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