I think if you look at it like that you'd be very happy with this season. But how I interpeted it is that at the opening of the series, Jeongwon hit a breaking point at work and the pain of being a doctor for him made him seek a way out in the form of 'priesthood'. If you rewatch those scenes you can see how hollow eyed he looked and how it was as if his faith in the world was shut down. Jeongwon didn't take the plunge until that point. He delayed his childhood priest dream, for decades, because he fell in love with paediatric surgery. Then it kind of became a runaway/escape thought that comforted him when things got tough. Also Jeongwon's complicated relationship with god is one of the most compelling aspects of him to me. "Im his child, but I cant stop resenting god." He runs to god at times of difficulty and wanted to get closer to him by pursuing priesthood but then also has those thoughts in depths of his mind.
But thing is? Would it have it made a difference? Jeongwon would have brought himself with him into both those paths. What he needed to do was work on himself from within.
I think that Gyeoul was a kind of awakening for him that he doesn't have to depend on god alone (which got him nowhere), with his full weight, to get him through everyday but that he can also look to the people in his life/those on his side. "Please stay by my side instead of god's". I wanted to see him really leaning into his support system in this season including his friends and family and all but there hasnt been anything