It seems that the GMA interview exposed jury members for being on social media during the trial. Here's my evidence.

I really want to know what they would consider to be an appropriate gift at that stage of their relationship. Alcohol? Clearly no because he abused her when he got drunk. Art? Clearly no because he destroyed her artwork during fights. TV? Clearly no because he damaged property during fights. Clothes? Clearly no because they made fun of her “pre-Depp” fashion choices (even though everyone dressed badly in the late 00s).

I honestly don’t think anything would satisfy those vultures. They don’t care about facts or context—they just care about disparaging Amber and silencing victims. I bet if you put a bunch quotes in front of them but switched the names—or made a deep fake of Depp acting like Amber and vice versa, they would still make fun of Amber and fawn over Depp.

/r/DeppDelusion Thread