[Serious] is there anyone who can help similar to how the fab five does? is that a job?

Sorry to hear you didn't have a great time with your therapists. I know there are a lot of different types out there and sometimes it takes a few tries before you find someone you click with (I've often heard it compared to dating), so if you're still curious about it I hope you give it another shot in the future.

Anyway, yeah, it's kind of a job, I guess. Or "jobs." Much in the way that the Fab Five is made up of different people with their own areas of expertise, it's probably just a matter of finding experts in the fields you're seeking help in rather than one pre-existing team. Assemble your own team. Maybe look into cooking classes, hire a stylist to do a closet consultation, find a salon that gets your hair texture and what you're going for, etc.

Of course, there's also the DIY option where you're your own Fab Five... Maybe you look into meditation and/or exercising, try out a new online recipe every week, get bolder in your shopping trips and try on things you normally wouldn't or even take a few things to the tailor -- though, uh, I'd suggest still going to a hair person and not cutting your own hair.

Even starting just one of those things at a time will give you a little momentum to go on to the next thing, making things easier and easier to pick up, especially when you start seeing results. It won't happen as fast as it does on Queer Eye but that's a show with a big production team and budget behind it.

It's great that you're looking for ways to improve and change. I hope things pick up soon.

/r/QueerEye Thread