Why we should remove the Letter C

Why should we remove the Letter C? Well I will tell you why! First of we have 26 letters in the English alphabet, 25 would make this super satisfying. People would initially want to remove uncommon letters like X or Q but no C should be the one to be removed. First off C is a repost of S and K, those too letters make Original sounds but C just copies them and get used more (not combined). Secondly C design is Infuriating, it’s just an Oval with part of it Taken out, Every other letter at least adds on to a basic Shape. Thirdly C is a snob, not only did it copy the K and S sounds but it also has to be the third letter in the alphabet, so when people say A,B,C C can get off a little, and they don’t even have to say the whole alphabet. Fourthly Cat starts with C and cats are dumb. Fifthly C’s Letter pronunciation (C) is the most unoriginal sound ever not only is it stolen from English (See, Sea) it also steals from Spanish(Sí). Gosh Dang C is the worst letter to exist, we need to remove it before it becomes to powerful.

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