Sorting Hat Official Thread (Winter 2016)

1- Experiment with magic, learn and exploring nature. 2- Every area of magic I can. 3- Try to confuse it. 4- Curious, whimsical and enthusiastic. 5- The good. 6- Ravenclaw, for I place very high value on learning to expanding my horizons. I enjoy debates on all topics, particularly when views differ, as long as the participants are open minded. I love to read and to spend time reflecting in nature, in solitude. I also love making and listening to music as I am quite creative. I also very much admire Luna Lovegood, although I also feel a kinship with Hermione Granger. I like how Luna is unorthodox; but not so much that she accepts ideas without evidence. 7- The disillusionment charm. Then I could blend in perfectly into my surroundings and listen in on conversations, go to museums at night and be amongst others without them knowing I'm there, partially recreating the feeling of solitude and peace as well as being able to spy on people...

This is the same as MustelidaeBerry as I am the same user but have created a new account so my username is the name of my character.

/r/HogwartsRP Thread