How did your friend destroy the friendship?

She was mentally FUCKED and ruins everything around her. It started in 9th grade when she stole my boyfriend lol. Thats not a big deal, it was an awkward af relationship anyways and i got over it fast. What i didnt get over was the betrayal from my best friend. We made up and stayed friends after that tho.

Then she just kept doin her crazy bitch thing, got worse the more drugs she started doing. She tried to break up our little best friend ship trio with me, her, and my (now) boyfriend. She started fucking him which i dont think he wanted anything to so with but shes a manipulative crazy bitch so what do you expect i guess. From then every time we all three would try to chill she would tell ME they canceled and tell HIM /i/ canceled :-/ me and him didnt even find out that shit until like between year ago and year after we graduated hs.

Oh and somewhere between her trying to totally ruin our little bff-trio junior year, i was dealing with an 8 month psychologically and emotionally abusive relationship and the whole time all she did was ridicule me for it prreeetty much lol. But dropped me instantly the second i told her the same shit when SHE found herself in a similar situation.

Now shes a heroin junkie been arrested for the 4th? Time and goin to jail fr this time for breaking parole lol

Skank bitch

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