Europe isn't as great a place to live in as everyone online thinks, and in many ways actually kinda sucks.

As a Belgian who lives in Florida, I agree on many of your points, and I can’t stand Europeans and Americans getting triggered if you mention these things. I especially dislike the fact that cars are so expensive in Europe compared to here in the USA. Seriously, you have to be upper middle class in Europe to have a decent car that’s not some 100hp diesel super mini shitbox, since taxes on cars and fuel are high and in some countries it’s insane (such as the Netherlands). And the remark about culture made me chuckle: even though I’ve been living in America for a couple of years now, I still ask for things that most Americans would just do. The permit and lawnmowing point doesn’t really apply to Belgium or some other European countries though. All in all they both have advantages and disadvantages (affordable healthcare and higher quality food in Europe vs cheaper lifestyle and more convenience oriented living in America), and Europe and America are both better places to live than pretty much most of the rest of the world as well.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread