SPECIAL NOTE: Crazed Bernie Sanders fans obsessively downvote good content in this subreddit. Instructions for making sure you can view content are inside.

Not bernie-proof (fool) but this could help a bit

-- .linkcompressed .midcol .arrow.down { visibility:hidden; display:none; }

.link .midcol .arrow.down { visibility:hidden; display:none; }

/* ------------------------- / / BEGIN COPY */

/* "No Participation"-Mode, aka "Read Only"-Mode * by /u/KortoloB * /r/NoParticipation * * Link people to np.reddit.com/r/YourSubreddit to show them a read-only version. * Subscribers will see the full page, only non-subscribers will see the read-only version. * This is of course by no means fool-proof, but it should work for the average user. * */

body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .arrow { visibility: hidden !important; }

body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .usertext-edit, body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .sidebox.submit, body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .commentingAs, body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .markdownEditor, body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) a[onclick*="return reply(this)"], body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .subButtons, body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .helplink, body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .titlebox .fancy-toggle-button.toggle > .option.add { display: none !important; }

body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) #siteTable:before { content: "subscribe to vote"; display: block; max-width: 800px; background-color: #F6E69F; padding: 5px 10px; margin: 5px 305px 5px 0px; border: 1px solid orange; font-size: small; }

body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .entry.likes:not(.reddit-entry):before, body:lang(np):not(.subscriber) .entry.dislikes:not(.reddit-entry):before { content: "I'll beat you silly if you down vote"; color: red; font-size: large; font-weight: bold; }

/* Wiki protection */ body.wiki-page:lang(np):not(.subscriber) span.pageactions a.wikiaction-edit:not(.wikiaction-current), body.wiki-page:lang(np):not(.subscriber) div.wiki-page-content form#editform label[for='reason'], body.wiki-page:lang(np):not(.subscriber) div.wiki-page-content form#editform input#wiki_revision_reason, body.wiki-page:lang(np):not(.subscriber) div.wiki-page-content form#editform input[type='submit'] { display: none !important; }

/* END COPY / / ------------------------- */

/r/BernieSandersSucks Thread