yup... surgery happened.

I gave you a chance. All you had to do was to step down from Dr. Powers sub and stop with your with fakeness and self-grandiosity and ego-spreading. Then I was ready to call it even and to call it a truce. And stop with everything.

I have no interest in trolling you, why would I, a young cute, and likable person, in the midst having a number of things to do everyday, want to troll you or even "get attention" from a 40 year old, man-looking, ugly non-passing hag like you? Nah, if I wanted to get "attention", positive or negative, I would literally do it with Anyone else. I can even go onto the street and get more random attention now than trying so hard to get to you on Reddit. You waste about 2 hours of my sleep time every night trying to get you to stop, but you still haven't. You give me a great amount of craze and headache. You reported every of my new accounts im the past week and made me have to make 3 new personal accounts in the past week alone. You are the one actively waging the war here. Stop being such a fake hypocrite and pretender. Everyone who knows you well can see well through it.

You wasted a great amount to my time in the past two weeks trying to get you to desist from Will Powers' sub, but you still haven't stopped, you're still on there spreading your misinformation.

This is a power struggle, not about some pity or attention seeking.

I can tell you that I'm done with trolling you at this point. Maybe continuing with some doxxing to let other members of the sub to see how ugly and hideous you are could be useful, but "trolling" you is not going to get you to surrender.

You unjustly kicked me off of the sub, you took all of my kind and generous contribution onto the sub, and threw it into the trash by way of deceiving and lying.

Until the day you step down from Dr. Powers' sub, I will never stop trying to win this war.

My life is going quiet well, thanks, but until the day I take you down, you will always be a roadblock in my way. And I have to get of rid of you. But that really doesn't mean I want to waste my time with you, though, or enjoy doing it, like you so fantasize. I just need to make sure you're gone.

/r/u_DeannaWilliams222 Thread