The Tale of Two Final Fantasy 8s

Just for fun, I decided to translate the same scene from Spanish as well, since I'm fluent in that language.

Squall: "...Cómo tardan..."

  • (...They're taking so long...)

Seifer: "¿Qué esperan esos cerdos de Galbadia?"

  • (What are those Galbadian pigs waiting for?)

Seifer: "Ya no aguanto más! ¿Es que hemos venido a jugar con los perros?"

  • (I can't take it any more! Are we here to play with dogs?)

(Bell rings, troops sneak through Dollet plaza)

Squall: Es el enemigo...

  • (It's the enemy...)

Zell: "¿Adónde van?"

  • (Where are they going?)

Zell: "¿Qué es aquella cosa sobre la montaña?"

  • (What's that thing on the mountain?)

Seifer: "¡Vamos a averiguarlo!"

  • (Let's go find out!)

Zell: ¡No podemos! Nuestras órdenes...

  • (We can't! Our orders...)

Seifer: "¡Oye! No eras tú el que estaba aburrido?"

  • (Hey! Weren't you the bored one?) Prior to this conversation, if Squall speaks to Zell, he says in Spanish, "What a waste. I want them to come already! I want some action!"

Zell: ¡Squall!

Squall: Haré lo que mande el jefe.

  • (I'll do whatever the boss orders.) Same as in English.

Seifer: ¡Ja! ¡Lo que mande el jefe!

  • (Ha! Whatever the boss says!)

Seifer: "Si tú también quieres ver sangre..."

  • (If you also want to see blood...) A lesser deviation from the English, but a deviation nonetheless.

Squall: "Es una buena oportunidad para probar lo que he aprendido entrenando contigo."

  • (It's a good opportunity to try what I've been learning through training with you.) He even sounds friendly.

Squall: "Gracias a tí, ahora sé cómo enfrentarme a los que pelean sucio."

  • (Thanks to you, now I know how to face those who fight dirty.) Almost sounds friendly.

Seifer: ¡Al fin te has dado cuenta de cuánto me debes! ¡Ja, ja!

  • (You've finally realized how much you owe me! Ha ha!) A different type of narcissism here.

Zell: ¡Hey!

Zell: ¿Os habéis hecho amigos, o qué? Se ve que sois de la misma calaña.

  • (Are you guys friends now, or what? It's obvious you guys are made from the same stuff.)

Zell: Pero dejadme que os diga algo... Ésta no es una misión cualquiera.

  • (But let me tell you something... This isn't an ordinary mission.)

Zell: ¡Es un examen! ¿Qué queréis, que nos cateen?

  • (This is an exam! What do you want, for them to flunk us?)

Seifer: Vale. Tú te quedas aquí, entonces. No quiero cobardes en mi grupo.

  • (All right. You stay here then. I don't want wimps in my group.)

Zell: ¿Cómoooo...?

  • (What...?!)

Squall: Zell... No le hagas caso.

  • (Zell... Don't listen to him.)

Squall: "Oye, Seifer, si vamos a ir, cuanto antes mejor."

  • (Hey, Seifer, if we're gonna go, we'd better do it soon.)

Seifer: "El objetivo del enemigo es aquella construcción en la cima de la montaña. Nuestra misión es estorbar sus planes. ¡En marcha!"

  • (The objective of the enemy is that construction on the top of the mountain. Our mission is to mess up their plans. Let's move out!)

Squall: "¡Entendido!"

  • (Understood!)

Zell: "Bah! Entendido..."

  • (Bah! Understood...)

It's much more similar to the English than the French was, but it still varies. It makes Squall and Seifer sound very friendly towards each other, interestingly. I have a bias against Spanish in any case, so I still prefer the English over it, even if it gives a few additional details.

/r/FinalFantasyVIII Thread