The Tape Traders

As others have noted, tape traders are the original IWC.

Before the mass adoption of the internet, one of the ways that elitist fans sought to separate themselves from the more casual viewers, was to find obscure media. If one nerd knew of a film/album/wrestler that the others didnt, he commanded more respect. This is why excessive references are so common within hardcore/enthusiast fans of any genre of entertainment. References are there to both test your knowledge and nerddom but also signal/flex to lesser fans about your supposed knowledge.

Film nerds would chase obscure foreign films that typically werent available in your local video store, music nerds would always be on the hunt for the most obscure band. And wrestling tape traders would seek the more obscure promotions and matches. This is also where the hatred for the mainstream came. Ask any hardcore fan of anything, and chances are that he hates the popular thing in that medium/genre, wrestling fans are no different.

This may seem innocuous at first, but if you have ever been around these types of people, you will immediately identify their love for any medium as being less about an appreciation for that medium, and more as a platform to lord over others. This is why they love pointless references in wrestling, such as nearly creaming themselves when CM Punk came out to his Ring of Honor theme at that AEW PPV. Its why they pop so loudly for old Japanese guys in AEW.

Once you understand these people, AEW tends to make alot more sense. Not terms on it being more entertaining, but why it is the way that it is.

/r/JimCornette Thread