Teams that I predict could be in the next MCC bats : wilbur , philza and ryguyrockey are probably top 10 players if they don't throw for content and jerome is solid top 20 player
2.aqua axolotles: tapl , calvin and mini muka is probably top 10 and seepeekay in 17th
3.cyan creeper : tubbo and captain are top 10 players and kara and pearlescentmoon is probably top 20

4.fundy is probably top 10 and sapnap is probably top 5 , sylvee is solid top 15 and the _eret is top 25

5.mefs, Pete and cptpuffy are solid top 10 and Megan is top 35

6.hbomb is solid top 5 , shubble and smajor is top 10 and false is top 15

7.this is just mcc 8 team but without hbomb

8.tommy is top 10 , techno is top 3 , nikki and rt games is top 20

9.each and every player from this team is top 10

  1. dream is top 5 , iGeorges top 15 , skeppy is top 20 and bbh is top 25
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