Something I found out about Rogue tonight

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I'd like to add that I agree and they seem to have added a hell of a lot more NPCs in an effort to get people to work together instead of constantly turning on each other. In the higher level DZ, it's next to impossible to extract in some areas without getting hit with a nonstop wave of NPC enemies. It takes a bit of teamwork with strangers so everyone can get their things out. My friend and I were playing yesterday and I only extracted once and that was because people in the area banded together to help so everyone can extract.

It was beautiful.

I understand that attacking people while they're trying to extract is the best way to get a few players, jack their loot, and immediately send it off. However, it sucks. I don't mind being attacked, but when I'm trying to extract and I'm getting lit up by NPCs, the last thing I want is a band of rogues attacking me. It's really frustrating and it really bums me out. It's nice when it happens and I see them get killed because no one cleared the ads and I can go back and get my shit.

I asked someone to please go away so I could leave the fucking safe house and all he did was yell, "BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH" as he mowed down any and everyone trying to get out of there. THAT was a nightmare. Safe house?! HA. ENDLESS DEATH TRAP.

I am unsure how to fix the problem other than just playing a different game or something because in the case of that asshole, I restarted my goddam playstation twice and never got a new instance. Ahhhhh.

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