Thank you /u/Sanjispride

Full summary:

Bloodbath TLegs sets an explosive off, killing Batman. Sabo overpowers Pixelizedmario, killing him. Monkey D Dragon attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. NOpieMAN convinces Snoop to not kill him, only to kill him instead. Captian Crocomom strangles Godzilla after engaging in a fist fight.

Day 1 the Surgeon Of Death kills The Ferryman for his supplies. Nami kills Morzo as he tries to escape.

Night 1 No deaths occurred.

Day 2 Goku unknowingly eats toxic berries. Yonkou Productions convinces Condoriano's Grill to not kill him, only to kill her instead. Zolo begs for Sabo to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing Zolo. Prawn attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.

Night 2 TLegs, Naruto, and Will Smith turn on Yonkou Productions, killing him. The Incredible Hulk severely slices Superman with a sword. Felifae kills Steve Irwin with a hatchet. Spongebob dies from hypothermia.

Day 3 Nami, Sanjispride, and Monkey D, Luffy turn on Dog Laming, killing him. NOpieMAN strangles portgazDracist after engaging in a fist fight.

Night 3 Chappy D Chopper taints Lepo's food, killing him. TLegs throws a knife into Buggy's chest. Flitewulf falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Day 4 No deaths occurred.

Night 4 Gun Guy silently snaps Will Smith's neck. Sanjispride, The Incredible Hulk, and Bill Clinton start fighting, but The Incredible Hulk runs away as Sanjispride kills Bill Clinton.

Day 5 Elmo unknowingly eats toxic berries.

Night 5 Captain Usopp severely injures JetDagger01, but puts him out of his misery. the Surgeon Of Death, semizero, brookspride, and Gun Guy track down and kill zorospride. Felifae taints Captian Crocomom's food, killing her. Sabo goes on a rampage, killing Naruto and Captain Condoriano.

Day 6 No deaths occurred.

Night 6 TLegs sets Doublecaster on fire with a molotov. Oda shoots an arrow at NOpieMAN, but misses and kills Ronald McDonald instead. bloodlust

Day 7 NOpieMAN kills Chappy D Chopper while he is resting. Monkey D, Luffy spears semizero in his abdomen.

Night 7 the Surgeon Of Death shoots an arrow at Oda, but misses and kills Kanye instead. The Incredible Hulk attacks NOpieMAN, but Sanjispride protects him, killing The Incredible Hulk.

Day 8 the Surgeon Of Death, Sanjispride, and Monkey D, Luffy start fighting, but Sanjispride runs away as the Surgeon Of Death kills Monkey D, Luffy.

Night 8 No deaths occurred.

Day 9 Captain Usopp falls into a pit and dies.

Night 9 Gun Guy convinces Oda to not kill him, only to kill him instead. TLegs bleeds out due to untreated injuries. NOpieMAN bashes the Surgeon Of Death's head against a rock several times. Sabo ambushes Sanjispride and kills him.

Day 10 NOpieMAN decapitates Sabo with a sword.

Night 10 NOpieMAN kills Gun Guy in a fit of rage. The winner is NOpieMAN from District

/r/OnePieceCircleJerk Thread