Thanks for bringing back TSR programs, Curse.

Read the entire thread you are responding to. Many of the posts are "I don't want to download CV to play AS2."

You may just be critiquing Curse, but a lot of this thread is about AS2 being launcher specific. And that's the part I have been responding to.

Makes sense... but the majority of people using Curse Voice in /r/feedthebeast are probably using it because someone decided to make a Curse-Voice-exclusive modpack.

AS2 is curse only? Too bad. I won't be using it

Essentially, I don't want packs which are on the Minecraft plug-in to the Curse Voice program.

I really hate that they are gating the packs behind that software.

Seriously, nobody cares about Curse, they only care about the packs

I am forced to use Curse Voice for Minecraft if I want to play Agrarian Skies 2

You can't download AS2 without CV. (not true)

That's just some of the quotes, some of the rest would require knowing what people are talking about when they refer to "packs that used to be on FTB" etc. The OP before the edits was about the OP not liking CV while they were downloading my pack.

The claim was, that I am responding here because I work for Curse. People are discussing this in regards to my modpacks. I am responding to people attacking my choice of modpack distribution. The majority of my comments have been explaining that people can download my packs without CV, and explaining my reasons for choosing CV for my packs. I'm not responding to people other than the comments that mention me or my packs.

The comments not having anything to do with my choice of pack distribution method or me personally, I haven't commented on.

/r/feedthebeast Thread Parent