The_Donald Blatant vote manipulation, trying to take over /r/all again by spamming this image over and over again, when will the admins do something

I don't support the admins screwing with t_d, but I don't support the spamming in trump subs and anti trump subs

Why the_donald shouldn't care

Jesus christ it really doesn't matter. If the admins screwed with the post, why does it really matter? What's the big deal with admins trying to make an echo-chamber from a subreddit based on echo chambers? Is if because it's censorship? Censorship is a problem in the real world because people can't leave countries in one second. It's not a problem on the internet because people can go on different websites. If you want to spam trump shit without censorship, go to 4chan. Oh wait, it's not an echo chamber there, and you might get different opinions. Jesus, if you really want an echochamber so bad, just go to voat. Sorry that you're not spamming /r/all. I thought that it being on your front page from being subbed is enough. It's like they're trying to annoy as many people as possible.

Why the admins shouldn't care

And man, if the admins would go through so much effort to suppress the_donald. Oh wow, it's on the front page, it's going to annoy the ones against him. There has been no one who joined a group that was pushed to them (well, unless it's forced upon them, but there's no force on the internet). If t_d spams their way to the front page, they'll just get more hated. Why not just ban t_d if you really hate them (well, they probably know that the FPH shit will happen times fifty if they do)? Suppressing posts the t_d is not going to help at all. Yeah, maybe it'll annoy a little less people, but if you're so against t_d, let them be annoyed.

Why the general people shouldn't care

Oh geez, the creators (and the employees of the creators) are screwing with the content of the website they made. Oh jeez, the people on the subreddit are actively against the admins, spamming posts on their own subreddit. The admins aren't doing much harm, and t_d isn't doing much harm. The admins are just screwing with their website, and t_d is retaliating by making posts on their subreddit. If you get yourself involved with the argument too much, you might convince yourself that it's something worth spending your energy on

T_D is hurting themselves by giving people reasons to hate t_d

The admins are helping t_d by giving people reasons to join t_d

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