Theorycrafting Thursdays Weekly Discussion

I've been trying to make OTK Priest the Unicorn Priest deck, but haven't been able to play much and was wanting a bit of feedback on my list. 1x Silence (Used to get past Taunts to combo out.) 1x Inner Flame (Combo Piece) 2x Northshire Cleric (Early drop with big butt and can draw you cards) 2x Power Word: Shield (Combo Piece. Can use 1 without combo if you can deal 2 damage to the opponent.) 1x Bloodmage Thalnos (Card draw, with very little spell damage synergy) 2x Divine Spirit (Combo Pieces) 2x Doomsayer (A board wipe, or a tempo turn 2 play for an "Time Walk" effect.) 2x Loot Hoarder (Card draw and pseudo removal) 2x Shadow Word: Pain (removal) 2x Wild Pyromancer (more removal/ board wipe. Combos well with Acolyte) 2x Acolyte of Pain (Card draw that you can heal for more card draw) 2x Shadow Word: Death (removal) 1x Gnomish Inventor (Card draw with a nice booty) 2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta (Strong Taunt minion that you can use to combo if you need to) 1x Stormwind Knight (combo piece) 2x Excavated Evil (Board wipe) 2x Holy Nova (Board wipe) 1x Emperor Thaurissan (Pseudo taunt, as you only need one tick on a single combo piece to drop the combo from 11 mana, and most people target the piss out of it.)

/r/hearthstone Thread